Tag Archives: media



We all know?

But do you?

What is the real truth?

Who is the source?

What is the motive?

Bias vs Objective

Politics is tricky

But journalists

Are objective


Are objective

Police are objective

At least that is

What I thought

Are you?

Are they?

Have we lost

the ability

To be objective?

Only when you

Make that choice.

-Jennie Nawrocki

Input Turning Output


read this article
for its very important
listen here
there is something
feel the music
guide the mood
peruse the newspaper
giving the latest
gander at the comments
reviews based on perception
look at the image
what is there?
see the website
loaded with information
watch the show
meant to entertain
absorb the book
taking you within worlds
each piece builds conversation
to share appreciation

-Jennie Nawrocki