Monthly Archives: December 2022

Science Is Proven Fact


Science is proven everyday

You store something in the fridge and it slows bad microbes.

You wash your hands to prevent diseases.

We have lived longer because of soap.

Red and blue always make some sort of purple.

Rain falls from the clouds and then evaporates into more clouds.

The air is better outside an industrial zone.

Those who were born in the Andes have lungs that process air differently because of high altitude.

It is almost impossible to cross a raging river unless you are prepared.

Fire burns and is hot.

Milk comes from mammals.

Some oysters have pearls.

Acids make milk congeal.

Many species like to live in communities.

Medical staff wear gloves and masks to prevent disease and the spread of disease.

Almost impossible to get chickenpox when you aren’t around someone with chickenpox.

Arguing with scientific fact is ridiculous.

You don’t need a picture, video or recording of science just put lemon juice and milk together.

-Jennie Nawrocki

Set Aside Hate


Some of you are very angry with me, seeking vengeance any way possible. I see it, I hear it, I experience it, and I feel it. So much so that I am now just scum horrible rotten scum. Whatever your reason is you have stopped seeing anything else, you say I am incapable at best. You say I am unfit even for a mothers love. Though you also say go home. You also say, “That irrelevant b**** has to stay out of my lane.” Though you taken my computer, my ability to find a full time work by hacking my emails. But yet I don’t want to take away your social security or require guns to defend myself and haven’t taken any of your choices. So why think I am the former President? I haven’t moved or gone home as you have asked about for years because where I was no longer exists. So we have to come to some consensus, and that is not going to happen without direct conversation. Otherwise you telling me what to do is spilling into America and if that happens we are no longer a democratic society but a single minded one. I really don’t want that as much as you. So if you want progress than let’s not let this be the dark ages but a government for the people, by the people and lead by the people. Choose Trump or choose democracy you have a choice. Seriously choose choices.

-Jennie Nawrocki.