Monthly Archives: February 2016



There was a day that they said robots would be apart of our lives.  We already have drones, we live on the dependence of technology. Cars can start, stop, park and drive themselves, cash is rarely seen.  Some areas have advanced so much that medical technology is healing people without their knowledge.  We are working very hard towards a cure for cancer.  Maybe one day our bodily systems might be controlled.  Spontaneous cell reproduction replaces harmful damaged ones.  Imagine the healthy people, the longevity of lives, that will be saved through the advancement of technology. 

To doubt it’s possibilities is to also doubt the mishaps of technology gone askew.  What if that same car stops or starts at the wrong time? A bug or virus in your phone can be fixed with an update but when you are driving on the rod not so much.  I want to see the world progress well.  I am willing to support successes leading to enhance the lives of all living things.  The phylosophy for these things to occur has been enclosed for me to focus on certain things, requiring for someone like me who always had a wandering mind dealing with known and unknown entities on several layers, swelling emotions to abnormal levels, requiring answers, for the future has arrived making the world safer for each person working together.

-Jennie Nawrocki



In 1982, way back before their was Internet, heck MTV came out less than a year before, the things I remember.  Anyhow, my mom took me to Disneyland for the first time.  We stayed for about a week had a rental car and a hotel not too far away but cheaper then the real close ones.  We we very poor back then.

Well one day we drove in pretty late so we had to go to one of those way back lots that is so far from the gate you need a tram to get the entrance.  Well, I watched everything as we drove in so excited to be at Disneyland, it was Disneyland after all.  We had the most fun, I think we saw the Electric Light Parade that night. Of course I got a Minnie Mouse doll that still looks the same today, but maybe the elastic on her clothes is a little stretched out.  

Well anyway back to Disneyland we had so much fun and when it was time to leave we took the team to the Pluto lot I think. It was not where our car was. We started walking around looking for our rental car and couldn’t find it.  I saw the lane we drove down and followed it walking away from my mom.  I kept walking and found the rental car.  Not knowing what to do and didn’t want to leave because I might not be able to find it again, I sat on the trunk of the car.  

Soon after, a man driving one of those golf cart type vehicles comes round and asks me all these questions and I told the everything and he said he would be back.  Who knows how long later, I didn’t have a watch. He came back round with my mother on the back of the golf cart.  We thanked him and went on our way.

Later I asked my mom and she said she was frantic and told the guy who stopped her that she didn’t know where her car was but worst of all she didn’t know where her daughter was.  He replied are you   ? And she said yes. That was when he took her to where I was waiting.    

Now Disneyland must have encountered this before because not once did they seem judge mental or panicky for in the world of Disneyland all stories have happy endings.  

-Jennie Nawrocki

My Motto of Love


Love without expectation of return.  Most people forget this by demanding respect or love, though it must be earned through actions. I made it my mission, my motto, my everything. To me it is something you simply do though it may not be easy. Does it create a vulnerability, certainly but it definitely beats the opposite or is it opposition, either way, love.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

-Jennie Nawrocki



Games are interesting, they bring out challenges to complete. Some people take them vey seriously others not so much. When it comes down to it not matter how you look at it, as Shakespeare says “We are all merely players.”  or something like that at least.  

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

-Jennie Nawrocki